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 Beat the Traffic

An electric bicycle(e-bike) costs the same as spending just 150 rupees per day for a year.
That’s the amount of money spent on just ordering food or snacks sometimes!
What's more?
An e-bike helps you stay fit and healthy and sometimes lose the extra kilos!  
All on top of being absolute FUN.


Electric Bicycle is not an expense, it's an investment. Not only for your commute but also for your Health!

Shop by Function and Design 

Multi Speed/Geared

Single Speed/Gearless

Detachable Battery Design

Integrated Battery Design

WHY Electric Bicycles

Improve Health . Save more . Breathe better

The best healthy means of commute next to walking!

Bicycle cycle electric

Bicycling Benefits

  • Cycling increases our endurance on and off the bike.

  • Exercising on the bike for at least 30 minutes a day will build up your cardiovascular and muscular endurance.

  • By putting in consistent effort, you'll notice an improvement in your aerobic capacity, enabling you to bike longer or on more intense rides. An e-bike adds all the more fun when you are cycling!


An electric cycle helps you move faster, cleaner, longer, cheaper, and more efficiently.


"Health is a person's foremost asset"

bitcoin bicycle

Monetary Benefits

  • An electric cycle helps save a significant amount of money for all your short/nearby/office commutes.

  • For every KM you ride on an electric cycle, you save 2 rupees.

  • That may seem small but on average a person commutes 5000 KM a year on petrol vehicle (just for the short, nearby, office commutes) - This equates to saving INR 10,000 per year for the same distance!





"Little drops make a mighty ocean"

electric bicycle

Environment Benefits

  • An electric bicycle has zero emissions yet zooms you at speeds of around 30 KMPH! helping you for all your short/runabout/office commutes.

  • For every KM driven in an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle, 300g of CO2 is emitted. For the average 5000 KM per year - It is a whopping 1.5  tons of CO2! just by one person. 

  • With an electric cycle, you prevent polluting (in addition to saving money!) and reduce your carbon footprint drastically!




"Makes us create a better future for us" 


The definition of life v4.png


The price of an e-bike is LESS than



  • Half the price of high end smart phone

  • Your fuel expenses for the petrol vehicle for 2 years

  • Having Pizzas for a year (Just on weekends!!)

  • or an exotic vacation (But you don't have to compromise on that!)





The Life of an electric bicycle compared to your other gadgets is much higher.


  • An electric cycle lasts a lifetime, sometimes for generations! - (Look back at your own childhood bicycle!) 

  • An average iPhone or smartphone lasts 2 - 3 years. (A max of 5 years - either we upgrade it or it becomes outdated)

  • Ordering Food outside, or a vacation a year - lasts just a few days (but we aren't counting that, but hey there is still a good amount of money spent on that - around 30k - 50k a year!)


An electric bicycle inevitably helps you to exercise while you commute.


  • The same health benefits of Bicycling applies to an e-bike when you pedal or use pedal assist

  • It increases your stamina and endurance when used regularly

  • Helps increase your cardiovascular health and overall well-being 

  • Reduces stress, an e-bike ride is an absolute FUN and JOY

  • On top of these, helps reduce health diseases due to air pollution by ICE vehicles


Zero fuel expenses for your electric bicycle!(only a small electricity expense) â€‹


  • For an average of 10,000 KM ride a year, a petrol vehicle burns INR 20,000 equivalent of fuel*

  • Your fuel expense for 2 years is the cost of an e-bike! Burning fuel is just the same as burning money! when there is an alternative for the commute.

  • The expenses on a petrol vehicle keep going up every year as you use (Maintenance + Fuel) while you can save that money on an e-bike.

*Mileage of 50 KMPL and Petrol price of INR 100.


Tying Shoelaces


"A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a - single stroke of pedal!"

At EX AUTOMOTIVE, We firmly believe in this and are a strong proponent of this. Any big change happens by changing the smaller, easier, seemingly insignificant things around us that would lead up to a bigger and significant change.

Our Motto

Mobility and Commute should be a basic right for humans, and to move around  more efficiently should be everyone's intention!

We as a Company have the sole objective of bringing to our customers the fun and joy of riding a Bicycle but in a much better way! We are strongly committed to introducing to our customers the power of ELECTRIC! and making it easily accessible to them. The all-new experience of riding a Bicycle but with a twist! This time it makes you move faster, better, cheaper, and more efficiently! with uncompromised FUN and JOY.

Our Values

Freedom, Independence, & Liberty - we stand for it and consider it as fundamental human rights.

We see riding and driving as a manifestation and expression of the same -  To be able to move anywhere and everywhere at will is the highest form of Freedom and to take this riding experience to a different level, we believe the kick starter is "electrified bicycles".

Our Value to Customers

EX AUTOMOTIVE and are a Multi Brand Electric Bicycle Store and More! 

Your one-stop-shop for Electric Bicycles and the new riding experience that comes along with it! 

We handpick and curate the best electric bicycles available and present them to you so you don’t have to go through the hassle of researching them to buy. Any queries, we are always there to help!


"It's not just an expense, it's an investment. Not only for your commute but also for your health!"

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